True / False
1. The Early theories of motivation (Maslow, McGregor, Herzberg and McClellan) hold up u examination. nder close
2. The contemporary theories of motivation provide a reasonable degree of valid utility.
3. Goal setting theory proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of work motivation.
4. Management by Objectives (MBO) is a participative activity to set goals that are tangible, verifiable, and measurable. Organization's overall objectives are translated into specific objectives for each succeeding level.
5. Reinforcement theory, in contrast, takes a behavioristic view, arguing that reinforcement conditions behavior. Reinforcement theory ignores the inner state of the individual and concentrates solely on what happens when he or she takes some action.
6. A manager should consider reinforcement theory regarding quality and quantity of work, persistence of effort, absenteeism, tardiness and accident rates.