
The consensus model aims to widen the practice authority of

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The New Regulatory Model for APRNs

Review content in the Hamric textbook that refers to the proposed new Regulatory Model for APRNs. Go to the Internet to review the full text of the Consensus Model. Review regulations imposed by your state board of nursing. How will the new model improve practice parameters and patient safety in your state?

R/ The consensus model aims to widen the practice authority of the various advanced practice nursing roles but this has been an uphill battle. Barriers for implementation include an inability at the state level to agree on issues such as scope of practice, education, and credentialing (Alleman, & Houle, 2013). Each state has differing requirements which makes transitioning to other practice areas difficult. Some areas need physician approval during practice, while others are completely independent.

These differences along with title protection make the overall process of advanced nursing practice entry a convoluted route to patient care. Hopefully with the passage of the consensus model, unification and clarification of roles and responsibilities will benefit the patients and practitioners involved.

The new regulatory model has its intentions based in the promotion of safer and more effective patient care by the increased regulation of the advanced practice nurse. In a quickly changing healthcare field, its practitioners must be flexible and adapt to the needs of the patient.

The advanced practice nurse can expect to be able to practice to the full extent of their license and education due to the impending transition into using the consensus model (ANCC, 2017). This is why unification of the standard of licensure, practice, and credentialing is needed across the states in order to form a base of healthcare practice standards.

Each state has its own variation of a board of nursing in which it serves to define scope of practice and requirements to obtain a given role. Licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (L.A.C.E.) are all components of the advanced practice nursing credentialing process (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O'Grady, 2014).


Alleman, K., & Houle, K. (2013). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Certification. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 40(3), 219-216.

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). (2017). FAQ: Consensus model for APRN regulation. Retrieved from Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O'Grady, E. T. (2014). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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