Conflict Management Style Assessment:
The Conflict Management Style Assessment is a good exercise for self-examining our own conflict- management style and techniques that we tend to use in conflict situations, particularly under stress. In spite of the fact that the conflict management style survey has been designed to help us become more aware of our characteristic approach or style in managing conflict, it is very important to keep certain factors in mind. The following exercise has been done keeping a certain kind of conflict in mind. I choose “Workplace Conflicts”
Certain facts about the Conflict – Management Style Survey are that, same person reacts differently to different types of conflicts. A person may react different if it is a Family based conflict. And more over, when I considered conflicts at workplace, it occurred in mind that certain questioners mentioned have out judged my conflict management style. For instance, let me explain with an example,
E.g.: Considering the Situation 9, when you see conflict emerging in a group, you would
The best answer I have in mind is not to avoid the conflict or to run away from the situation, rather, face the situation and explain both parties and try to collaborate for mutual benefit. But when I was to choose between the given options, I would never choose certain options, but the rule of the survey is to maintain a sum equals to 10. So it definitely overwhelms me.
Considering other cases, the choice varies upon the situation of the conflict, extent and intensity of conflict and also depends on who the other party is. So the score gives a rough idea of the assessment, but I think it might not give best results. In spite of the Ideal order being Collaborator, Compromiser, Accommodator, Controller, Avoider, My order was Collaborator, Compromiser, Controller, Accommodator, and Avoider. at first satisfied when I looked up the order, but it occurs that the order changes considering the intensity of conflict and who the other party is. So I partially accept that these questioners help us in determining the personality. However, considering the graph is really helpful in determining the standards and personality of a person. Even though nothing is neither right nor wrong, there is something in the graph that states the purpose of the Survey and gives and overview on how an individual thinks considering the given situation. So, I should say that I agree to the conflict Management Style Survey giving an opportunity to self-assess ourselves, given that, these surveys is taken multiple times considering the situation or taking these surveys quite often. This is definitely useful to me.