
The concept of net-neutrality allows for an open internet

The concept of NET-NEUTRALITY allows for an open internet where individuals have equal access to content of all types. This means that internet service providers would be prohibited from creating tiered models where they could prioritize access to various types of content. Some internet access providers are not in favor of Net-Neutrality rules and would rather see an unregulated internet.

Here's a Wall Street Journal video that attempts to explain the issue: https://www.wsj.com/video/net-neutrality-explained/B1361E30-1ED2-4D5B-A1E3-3C10CE25E64D.html

Here's a link to an index of NY Times articles on the subject:  https://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/subjects/n/net_neutrality/index.html?offset=0&s=newest

And here's a link to a CNN Money video with Barry Diller's thoughts on the subject:  https://money.cnn.com/video/fortune/2010/07/26/f_bst_diller_net_neutrality.fortune/

And this CNN article reports on the repeal of Net-Neutrality rules: https://money.cnn.com/2018/06/10/technology/net-neutrality/index.html

Some questions to ponder: (remember to post references)

In the CNN video, Barry Diller suggests that a rules of the road policy needs to be implemented governing internet use.

What do you think is his motive behind this idea? Why does he want formalized policies to be instituted which in effect will lead to a form of internet regulation?

What is his view concerning the role of the broadband providers or large media companies as it relates to the provisioning of internet services?

Who does he think will benefit most from the imposition of rules?

Why does he think itâ's a public policy issue rather than a business issue?

Do you agree with Barry Diller's views or do you think "rules" are unnecessary? Why?

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Business Management: The concept of net-neutrality allows for an open internet
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