Wastewater containing solute A at a concentration of 1:0 × 10-3 g mol=m3 enters an open tank at a volumetric flow rate of 0:2 m3/min, and exits at the same rate. Solute A transfers from the wastewater in the open tank to the surrounding air which is essentially free of the solute. The total system pressure is 1.0 atm. The diameter of the cylindrical tank is 4 m, and the depth of the liquid in the tank is 1.0 m.
At these conditions the individual liquid-film mass-transfer coefficient, kL, is 5 × 10-4 kg mol/m2 s (kg mol/m3) and the individual gas-film mass-transfer coefficient, kG is 0:01 kg mol/m2 s atm.
The concentrations are in the Henry's law region where pAi = HcAi with H equal to 10 atm/ (kg mol/m3). What is the percent resistance to mass transfer in the liquid film?