
The concentration of carbon in an iron-carbon alloy is 015

1.Three components of an incompressible flow field are given by u=a(x^2-y^2), v unknown, and w=b, where a and b are constants. What must the form of the velocity component v be?

2.An industry discharges .5m^3/s of waste with a 5 day CBOD of 500 mg/l to a river with a flow of 2 m^3/s and a 5 day CBOD of 2 mg/l calculate the 5 day CBOD of the river after mixing with the waste.

3.if the soil exerts a trapezoidal distribution of load on the bottom of the footing, determine the intensities w1 and w2 of this distribution needed to support the column loadings

4.The concentration of carbon in an iron-carbon alloy is 0.15 wt%. What is the concentration in kilograms of carbon per cubic meter of alloy?

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Civil Engineering: The concentration of carbon in an iron-carbon alloy is 015
Reference No:- TGS0818302

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