
The computer management tool to view disk partitions and

Activity 1

In this activity, you will use the Computer Management tool to view disk partitions.

In Step 3, write down which is the active partition and which partitions are the system and boot partitions.

Activity 2

For this activity, you will create a simple volume. They will need to have unallocated disk space to accomplish this. (If there is no unallocated disk space on a server, consider having students shrink a volume to create the space.)

Activity 3

You will create a customized Disk Management MMC console in this activity, because there is no Disk Management console on the Administrative Tools menu by default.

Activity 4

This activity affords you the opportunity to learn how to mount a drive. As you do this activity, consider discussing ways in which you or organizations with which you have worked have used this capability.

In Step 10, what you would see in My Computer or Windows Explorer after successfully mounting a drive?

In Step 11, after you right-click the mounted drive, you will find that its properties are similar to those displayed for a typical NTFS folder. List the five tabs you find:

Activity 5

You will practice using Disk Check in this activity. (If students are working with a multiple disk system, advise them on which drive to use to cut down on the time it takes to complete this activity.)

In Step 4, the tools available from the tab are:

Activity 6

In this activity, you will run chkdsk without locking the disk (for faster practice).

In Step 2, what would you observe on screen?

Activity 7

You will install the Windows Server Backup feature in this activity. Next, you need to add the Windows Server Backup snap-in to the Disk Management MMC console that you have created in Activity 7-2.

(Consider using this activity as a way to discuss the convenience of customizing MMC consoles for server management.)

Activity 8

This project enables you to practice starting a manual backup.

In Step 6, what is one other option presented?

Activity 1

In this activity, you will install DNS. Note that if DNS was installed earlier, such as to install Active Directory in Chapter 4, instructions are provided in a note to remove DNS so that you can install it from scratch.

Activity 2

This activity enables you to create a reverse lookup zone.

(Consider using this opportunity to explain why it is wise to create a reverse lookup zone before adding records to the forward lookup zone.)

In Step 7, what are the two other zone data replication options that are available?

In Step 11, what are the other options for dynamic updates?

Of these options Allow both nonsecure and secure dynamic updates is least secure, because updates can be accepted even from sources that are not trusted.

In Step 13, you should verify that the new reverse lookup zone is created by looking for it in the right pane.

Activity 3

In this activity, you will learn how to manually create a new host address (A) resource record.

In Step 4, list the options on the shortcut menu:

Activity 4

In this activity, you will verify the dynamic update setup for the DNS server.

In Step 3, you should find that the default Dynamic updates: setting is Secure only. What are the other options?:

Activity 5

This activity enables you to practice troubleshooting a problem with a DNS server by stopping and restarting the DNS Server and DNS Client services via Server Manager.

Activity 6

In this activity, you will use Server Manager to view log information relating to DNS Server services. You also learn to use this tool to verify that the DNS Server service is running and to learn where to find more resources about DNS.

Activity 7

You will install WINS as a feature in this activity and you will learn how to use the WINS management tool.

In Step 9, to create a replication partner you would click __________ in the shortcut menu. Also, to replicate the database to the replication partner you would click ___________ Now.

Activity 8

For this activity, you will use Server Manager to install the DHCP role.

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Computer Networking: The computer management tool to view disk partitions and
Reference No:- TGS0613552

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