Question 1- Find the forces in members AB & BC for the system shown.

Question 2- The composite steel and brass rod shown is attached to unyielding supports with no initial stress at 25°C. Determine the stress in each segment when the temperature is reduced to -5°C. For steel, Est= 210 GPa, and αst = 12 X 10-6/°C, and for brass, Ebr= 100 GPa and αbr = 19 X 10-6/°C.

Question 3- Three short posts of equal length support the 100 KN rigid concrete block shown. Determine (a) the stress in each post and (b) the temperature decrease that will relieve the aluminum post of any stress. For steel, Est= 210 GPa, and αst = 12 X 10-6/°C, and for aluminum, Eal = 70 GPa and αal = 23.4 X 10-6/°C.