The component generated at the symbol frequency can then be

Assume that the bit period of Computer Example 4.3 is T= 1 s. That means that the sampling rate is fs = 50 samples per second because ns amp =50 in the program. Assuming that a NFFT = 10; 000-point FFT was used to produce Figure 4.16 and that the 10,000th point corresponds to fs, justify that the FFT output at bin 1000 corresponds to the bin rate of 1/T = 1 bps in this case.


Example 4.3

To demonstrate the first method, we assume that a data signal is represented by an NRZ signal that has been band limited by passing it through a band limited channel. If this NRZ signal is squared, a component is generated at the symbol frequency. The component generated at the symbol frequency can then be phase tracked by a PLL in order to generate the symbol synchronization, as illustrated by the following MATLAB simulation:

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Electrical Engineering: The component generated at the symbol frequency can then be
Reference No:- TGS01480531

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