Company Overview:
The company you work for (Telex) is acquiring a competitor (Virex), and both networks need to be integrated. Each company has a WAN with three locations and a single internet connection. Each network is using the same private IP address block (
- Corporate network is
- Warehouse network is
- Remote Office network is
- Corporate network is
- Warehouse network is
- Remote Office network is
You are tasked with finding a way to integrate both networks allowing full communication of IP traffic between all sites. Assumptions can be made in order to resolve the network IP address block issue.
Create 1-page memo in Microsoft® Word detailing how to resolve the abovementioned scenario.
Create a 1/2-page Visio® diagram showing how the IP addressing should change to allow both organizations to communicate. Create a 1/2-page Visio diagram showing how to integrate the Telex and Virex networks.
Your diagram should include:
- How the IP subnets will change in order to accomplish this requirement
- What type of WAN connection you recommend
Use proper Visio® elements such as routers and links to display your design.
Copy and paste the Visio® diagram into the Microsoft® Wordmemo. Format the completed memo following APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. Do not submit Visio® files.