
The company is quite handsome in terms of market value of

Analysis for American Express

American Express Company traded in the New York & Dow Stock Exchange with the symbol of (AXP). The American Express company is an American 500 Fortune company having the value of its stock at @ $72.82 current price of its stock. The company is also known as Amex that is multinational financial services company of America. The brief history of the company provides that the company was founded on 1850, headquartered at Manhattan. This company is termed to be one of top thirty components of DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average rate/ratio). The worth of the company is rated to be US $ 14.97 Billion and listed as one among the top 20 companies in the world.

The company is quite handsome in terms of market value of its shares and stock prices traded in the major stock exchanges of United States. The financial positioning of the company is sound enough that it enjoys the leverage ranges from 7- 9. From the investment point of view, the price to earnings ratio of the American Express Company is 20.8 industries wise and the gross margins of the company has risen from 20% to 70% in recent times.

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Finance Basics: The company is quite handsome in terms of market value of
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