Arrowdale Manufacturing
Budget Information
Arrowdale Manufacturing is a family owned business that has been in operation for over 50 years.
Although the actual manufacturing process has greatly changed due to huge advances in technology, the chief product produced by Arrowdale remains the same - a high-quality stainless steel thermos bottle that is popular with construction workers and others needing a product with a high level of durability.
The company is considering opening a second shift and hiring a number of new employees. Before this decision is finalized, the board of directors would like to have a sense of what they can expect in terms of sales for the upcoming year.
In preparation for the next board meeting, you, as the group of managers over sales, have been asked to prepare an annual sales budget, a production budget, a direct materials budget, a direct labor budget, and a budgeted income statement for next year.
Your group must be able to answer questions that board members might have concerning your calculations and how they impact the decision making. Your assistants have provided the following data:
Sales budget
Anticipated volume in units
Unit selling price
Production budget
Desired ending inventory
Beginning inventory
Direct materials budget
Direct materials per unit (pounds)
Desired ending direct materials in pounds
Beginning direct materials in pounds
Cost per pound (unit price)
Direct labor budget
Direct labor hours per unit
Direct labor cost per hour
Budgeted income statement
Total Cost of Goods Manufactured per unit
Selling expenses
Administrative expenses
Interest expense
Income tax rate
Balance sheet - current year
Finished goods inventory
Budgeted balance sheet - next year
Finished goods inventory