
The clumsy professor rolls a light ball and a heavy ball

The clumsy professor rolls a light ball and a heavy ball along a table but doesn’t manage to stop them before they roll off. One ball weighs twice as much as the other; the lighter ball happens to roll at twice the speed. All hits the floor at some horizontal distance from the table —how do those distances compare?

1. The heavier ball will hit at about half the distance from the table as the lighter ball.

2. The heavier ball will hit among¼ and ½ the distance from the table as the lighter ball.

3. The heavier ball will hit more than twice the distance from the table as the lighter ball.

4. The heavier ball will hit at about the same distance from the table as the lighter ball.

5. The heavier ball will hit the floor at twice the distance from the table as the lighter ball.

F. The heavier ball will hit at about a fourth the distance from the table as the lighter ball.

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Physics: The clumsy professor rolls a light ball and a heavy ball
Reference No:- TGS0921918

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