The classical conditioning theory is defined as based on

Can you help me with a thesis statement for psychology I have written my essay and its based on the learning theories classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning. The essay is below but I need a thesis statment

The classical conditioning theory is defined as based on the pairing of two stimuli;.For example, I am going to focus on the pairing of the sirens with a sudden, traumatizing event and on the subsequent positive reinforcement (the giving of a lollipop) that the parent has been giving to the child in response to repetitions of the conditioned behavior. In other words, the parent may actually be conditioning her child to cry by giving candy when the child cries. To address the problem, perhaps the reward should be given for not crying (rather than for crying), and that reward should become less consistent or less predictable after a while (sometimes a lollipop, sometimes praise), in keeping with the idea of intermittent reinforcement.

The operant conditioning is defined as a response is learned because it leads to a particular consequence (reinforcement), and it is strengthened each time it is reinforced. Positive reinforcement strengthens a response if it is presented afterwards, while negative reinforcement strengthens it by being withheld, perhaps Natasha has learned something on her own, such as the following: Sirens may be followed immediately by traumatizing events, firefighters are scary, and the parent is my only place to seek safety and comfort.

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Other Subject: The classical conditioning theory is defined as based on
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