
The class project is required to pass this course

Question: The class project is required to pass this course. Non-completion of the class project will lower the student's final grade by one less letter grade; for example from "A" to "B", "B" to "C", etc. In this project, students will have to do a proposal on buying a shipment of goods from a country of choice other than Canada and Mexico. (Students will make and document all the necessary arraignments as pertaining to amount of currency needed, shipping and handling requirements, governmental control and regulations (for both US and the foreign country) related to the goods being purchased, and observing any cultural necessities if any.A minimum of 5 pages is required. Cover page and references are not included. Every paper (project must include a cover page that include course name and code, date of submission, title of the project, and Instructor's name.

Project Guidelines: 1. What product are you buying ? In what quantity will be getting (units, tons, etc..), why are you choosing this particular product?

2. Elaborate on the currency needed to get the quantities of the product you are buying ( for example if you are buying 10000 pairs of Nike shoes from Japan, how many US Dollars needed for that shipment)-you need to get the correct currency exchange rate.

3. are there any trade barriers between the US and the country you are buying the product from?

4. Are there any customs or duties imposed by both the US and the country of origin on the product you are buying? (For example if you buy wine from other country and you bring it to the USA, are there custom charges on the wine by the US border authorities or the other country's boarder authorities?).

5. What is the mood of transportation that you need to get the shipment from the country where you are buying the product from? (ships, planes, etc..)

6. Are there any social and cultural implications that you must be aware of when you are making your order to buy the merchandize?

For example religion considerations; language considerations; dress considerations, etc.

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Microeconomics: The class project is required to pass this course
Reference No:- TGS02574738

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