
The civil rights act

Multiple choice Question: The Civil Rights Act of 1964

1 The Civil Rights Act of 1964:

A)prohibits discrimination in education, employment, public accommodations, and the receipt of federal funds on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, and religion.

B)incorporated specific terms of the Equal Pay Act to more clearly define under what circumstances an employer may provide different compensation to employees of different sex.

C)created five military districts, each commanded by a general, which would serve as the acting government for the region.

D)prohibits discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation by civilian, nonreligious employers with at least 15 employees.

2 Which of the following federal agencies enforces the Executive Order 11246?

A)Occupational Safety and Health Administration

B)Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

C)Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

D)Employee Benefits Security Administration

3 Donaldson's Dog Joy is a company that manufactures and sells dog biscuits. It is a private company. As of now, it has 13 employees. It does not have a proper human resource policy in place. Although, it hires women employees, it terminates them within a short time period without giving any strong reasons. The women employees have thought of approaching the court sighting discrimination under Title VII. But, the management is confident that they don't come under the purview of Title VII. Why?

A)Title VII does not apply to discrimination against gender.

B)Title VII applies to private employers who have a human resource policy in place.

C)Title VII applies to private employers employing 15 or more employees.

D)Title VII does not apply to private companies.

4 Which of the following individuals is covered under Title VII?

A)Bob, one of the total 12 employees employed by an employer, is fired from his job.

B)Paul, a Mexican citizen employed in Canada is told he will not be hired by synagogue soap manufacturing company.

C)Frida is a member of the Communist Party whose application for employment with American Savings Bank is rejected.

D)Harry, an undocumented worker at a machines parts factory, is fired by his company.

5 Carlo, 35, has been serving as a Catholic priest for the last two years in Alabama. He recently wanted to join a Jewish synagogue. But, the synagogue declined to appoint him. Carlo approached the court with a Title VII discrimination against the synagogue. The court declined his petition. Which of the following is a ground for the court to do so?

A)Title VII is not applicable to religious institutions functioning in Alabama.

B)Title VII is applicable to Catholic priests who are aged 40 or above.

C)Title VII is applicable to Catholic priests who have served for five years or more.

D)Title VII permits religious institutions and associations to discriminate when performing their activities.

6 Catherine, a resident of California, has been serving a federal government office for the last five years. Her superiors have always showered her with praises for her excellent work. But, she has noticed that each time a performance appraisal happens, she is overlooked. This year, the appraisal results were announced on April 26, 2011. She was again overlooked. She finally approached the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on November 29, 2011 to file a discrimination complaint against her company. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is not in a position to accept her petition because she:

A)is a resident of California.

B)did not file the complaint within 45 days of the event.

C)is a federal government employee.

D)has not served for the mandated ten years.

7 When an employee files a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Commission serves notice of the charge to the employer, who in this case, is the:





8 After a discrimination charge is filed by the employee and notice of the charge is given to the employer, the EEOC screens the charge to see if it is one that is appropriate for mediation. If it is appropriate for mediation, the EEOC will offer that option to the parties. In this case, each side has _____ days to respond to the offer to mediate.





9 After investigating a complaint, if the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission finds that there is no reasonable cause for the employee's discrimination complaint, the employee is given a dismissal and notice of rights, often known as a:

A)consent decree.

B)garnishment letter.

C)probate decree.

D)right-to-sue letter.

10 Which of the following added jury trials to Title VII?

A)Civil Rights Act of 1991

B)Thirteenth Amendment

C)Fourteenth Amendment

D)Jim Crow Act

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Reference No:- TGS01819922

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