1. Aaron and Janelle enjoyed years of experiences shared through their rewarding ownership of Crystal Lake Cottage Resort Inc. When Aaron died unexpectedly, the title automatically transferred to Janelle. Aaron's family has decided to dispute Janelle's right to ownership. What is the name given to the type of ownership interest enjoyed by Aaron and Janelle that allowed her to acquire ownership in this manner?
a. co-ownership
b. tenancy in common
c. joint tenancy
d. fee simple
2. The city has decided to green up its public transportation system by converting to light rail transit. Plans are underway to commence compensation negotiations with affected landowners. What is the legal name given to the type of authority that has been exercised in these circumstances?
a. authority to regulate zoning
b. authority of restrictive covenant
c. authority to expropriate
d. authority of easement of ownership
3. François and Wallace have been neighbours for ten years. François arranged to have a new garage constructed in his backyard. He provided the builders with his surveyor's certificate, but after completion the garage encroached onto Wallace's land. What is the most likely and amicable method of resolving the encroachment?
a. a restrictive covenant
b. a lease
c. civil litigation
d. an easement agreement