
The change management proposal should be a structured

Question : The Change Management proposal should be a structured report style document, with clear front page and content page with sub-headings as required outlining the change management proposal based on your learnings so far in the previous modules. This assignment aims to allow you the opportunity to be creative within the above scenario as well as demonstrating an understanding of the Acute / Primary Health Care service delivery models found in rural settings.

The assignment is intended to take the form of a scenario based Change Management proposal.   For the purpose of this proposal you are a Senior Health Manager working in a rural hospital based health Service. You receive extra allocated funding to improve your health service moving away from acute care hospital setting to a Primary Health Care Centre offering Primary Health Care Services.   As a health service manager you are responsible for:

A. Writing an innovative Change Management Plan to deliver the intended outcomes required from the funding stream. This should include key change considerations, key change theory and the manager's role in the change management initiative (2000 -2500 words).

B1. Write a reflective piece with regard the proposed change from the perspective of a consumer (i.e. Patient/community member).  What might they be thinking, what could be their fears and or concerns'?

B2. As the HSM what could you do to alleviate their concerns'? (500 -1000 words)

Commence with a brief summary of the change relevant to the topic selected (100 words -not included in the word count).

The Change Management proposal should be a structured report style document, with clear front page and content page with sub-headings as required outlining the change management proposal based on your learnings so far in the previous modules. This assignment aims to allow you the opportunity to be creative within the above scenario as well as demonstrating an understanding of the Acute / Primary Health Care service delivery models found in rural settings.

The report should encompass but not be limited to the drivers for change (background and need for change), demonstrated consideration of environmental influences, stakeholder identification, analysis, engagement and consultation, consumer and staff engagement, communication strategy, risk assessment and evaluation.

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Other Subject: The change management proposal should be a structured
Reference No:- TGS0754376

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