Question: The CEO of your selected organization has requested an enterprise security plan from your team. An enterprise security plan is more than just a list of vulnerabilities and risks. It must present them in a meaningful way along with suggestions for specific steps to mitigate each of the most important vulnerabilities or risk pairs it finds.
- The organization would like you to present an enterprise security plan to their Board of Directors. This week your team will draft two deliverables, an enterprise security plan and a presentation.
Part 1: Compile a full draft of the final enterprise security plan document. This will not be complete, but will have at least a short paragraph about each major section of the paper, including the suggested controls.
- Use the introduction and conclusion as an executive summary of the entire paper's content.
- Research at least eight sources that validate the choices made in the paper. This must go beyond basic definitions. The sources can be changed in the final week, if needed.
- Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Part 2: Draft an 8- to 10-slide presentation on the findings in the Enterprise Security Plan to present to senior management. Keep the slides concise.
- Include detailed speaker notes for the presentation.
- Use any slide presentation software of your choice.