
The cells in your body receive half their chromosomes from

A. The cells in your body receive half their chromosomes from your father and one half of theirchromosomes from your mother. So for each pair of homologous chromosomes one will be a maternal chromosome and one will be apaternal chromosome.. During meiosis when the haploid gametes areformed, each member of the pair but not both ends up in a gamete.This is the principle of segregation.1. For humans (N =23) how manypossible combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes arethere? Show your reasoning. Hint: are we dealingwith ordered or unordered events here?

B. How many of thecombinations from part A involve 10 maternal chromosomes and 13paternal chromosomes? Hint are we dealing with an ordered orunordered event here?

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Biology: The cells in your body receive half their chromosomes from
Reference No:- TGS0797705

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