
The cauchy theory for any u0 c1r such that infxr ux -8

Problem - Consider the inviscid Burgers equation: ut + uux = 0

where u: R → R

1. The Cauchy theory: For any u0 ∈ C1(R) such that infx∈R ux ≠ -∞, show that there exists a unique classical solution u ∈ C1([0, T) x R) up to time

T = - (1/infx∈R(u0)x ≠ +∞) (T = -∞ if infx∈R(u0)x ≥ 0).

2. Blow-up criterion: Show that for any u0 ∈ C1(R) such that -∞ < infx∈R(u0)x < 0 and such that this infimum is attained at a point x0, we have for all ∈ > 0,

Sup(t,x)∈[T -∈, T) x [x0 +Tu0(x0) -∈, x0 + Tu0(x0) + ∈] |ux(t, x)| = +∞,

3. Existence of a. profile at blow-up time: Let u0 ∈ C1(R) such that - ∞ < infx∈R(u0)x < 0 and such that this infimum is attained on a discrete set of points. Assume in addition that

∀x ∈ R, infy→± 1/y-x xyux(z)dz > - 1/T                    (1)

(note that one has ≥ from the definition of T). Show that u(T, x) := lim(x', t)→(x, T) u(x, t) is well defined, continuous on [0, T] x R and C1 on

([0, T] x R) \S,  S:= {(T, z), z = y + Tu0(y), ux(y) = infx∈R ux}.

4. As a counter example of the above limit, take an initial data at T = 1 given by

u0(x) = - 1/x - x.

Using this, show that there exists a solution such that (1) does not hold and such that the above limit u(T, x) is not defined.

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Dissertation: The cauchy theory for any u0 c1r such that infxr ux -8
Reference No:- TGS02532648

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