Subject- Consumer Behavior. Please give a very reasonable price.
Assessment Type: Group Case study
Written Response - 2500
This assessment will allow students to learn through Case study Analysis. They will acquire skills to analyse Consumer Behaviour situations. Students are required to include academic journal references in their responses. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b, c and d.
Topic: Consumer Behaviour Case study Case Study
Task Details: The case studies will be allocated to students by the tutor. Students will work in groups of four students to prepare and write answers to the questions of the allocated case study. The length of answer per question should be one page. The answers should include current and published theory (see Research Requirements).
Research Students need to support their analysis with reference from the text and a Requirements: minimum of eight (8) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources - check with your tutor if unsure of the validity of sources
Attachment:- Lewis Lehman.pdf