The rod OA rotates clockwise with a constant angular velocity of 6 rad> s. Two pin-connected slider blocks, located at B, move freely on OA and the curved rod whose shape is a limaçon described by the equation r = 200(2 - cos u) mm. Determine the speed of the slider blocks at the instant u = 150°.
12-173. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the slider blocks in Prob. 12-172 when u = 150°.
*12-176. The car travels around the circular track with a constant speed of 20 m> s. Determine the car's radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration at the instant u = p>4 rad.
12-177. The car travels around the circular track such that its transverse component is u = (0.006t2) rad, where t is in seconds. Determine the car's radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration at the instant t = 4 s.