Question: The Cambridge Diet supplies .8 g of calcium per day, in addition to the nutrients listed in the Table 1 for Example 1. The amounts of calcium per unit (100 g) supplied by the three ingredients in the Cambridge Diet are as follows: 1.26 g from nonfat milk, .19 g from soy flour, and .8 g from whey. Another ingredient in the diet mixture is isolated soy protein, which provides the following nutrients in each unit: 80 g of protein, 0 g of carbohydrate, 3.4 g of fat, and .18 g of calcium.
a. Set up a matrix equation whose solution determines the amounts of nonfat milk, soy flour, whey, and isolated soy protein necessary to supply the precise amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and calcium in the Cambridge Diet. State what the variables in the equation represent.
b. [M] Solve the equation in (a) and discuss your answer.