
The buyers were awarded compensatory damages who wrote the

Fill in the blanks where required. Mark True or False where required.

1. Lucy was the---------(buyer or seller)

2. The original court decision was in favor of the ----------- (buyer or seller)

3. The price for the farm was

4. Who wrote the memorandum?--------------(Lucy or Zehmer)

5. Zehmer's position that it was just a bunch of two doggone drunks bluffing to see who could talk the biggest and say the most was contradicted by---------

6. The discussion of the contract took at least ------------ minutes,

7. The seller said he was jesting about selling hi farm and the transaction was intended by him to be joke. (T or F)

8. The buyer was warranted in believing that the contract represented a serious business transaction and a good faith sale and purchase of the farm. (Tor F)

9. The contract law that applied was "We must look to the outward expression of a person as manifesting his intention rather than to his secret and unexpressed intention." (T or F)

10. The buyers were awarded compensatory damages,( Tor F)

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HR Management: The buyers were awarded compensatory damages who wrote the
Reference No:- TGS02521819

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