
The bureaucracy of civil liberties in war-time

The Bureaucracy of Civil Liberties in Wartime:

Upon reading through the various cases and issue in Chapter of your American Foreign Policy and National Security text, describe your thoughts on how civil liberties in Wartime have been historically used. Refer to one of the listed case summaries and provide your synopsis of the case and findings. Then, consider the diplomacy and bureaucracy of the current events in the closing of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (GITMO). Do you think the treating of these prisoners as enemy combatants and then placing them on trial in a civilian court in New York is a diplomatic sound move, or is it a way to negate further bureaucracy? Explain.

Case – Korematsu v. United States

2- The Diplomacy of the Changing Image of the Police Officer


In Chapter 3 of your Defending the Homeland text, on page 38, review Box 3.3, which provides a close up of questions regarding the altering of local and state law enforcement officer duties. Next, formulate a discussion response addressing the provided questions with your answers and considerations. Answer each of the seven provided questions with your insight and thoughts regarding the use of traditional law officers in conducting intelligence gathering operations.

Be sure to explain your answer fully and provide your detailed thoughts, as well as, your agreement, or disagreement with question topic. Read the Discussion

Participation Scoring Guide prior to your post.

Seven questions:

1- What is the M.O. of our enemy?
2- How does the enemy’s organization function?
3- What types of tactics will the enemy use?
4- What types of weapons will the enemy use?

5- How can information be gathered while protecting the source?

6- What community indicators give the answers to questions 1-4?

7- How can information be shared securely with other agencies?

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