The Brocks now have two preschool-age children. Their household income has declined with Pam providing full-time care for the children. To compensate for their lower monthly income, Pam and Josh have cut back to spend money on basics only. As a result of this action, the Brocks have managed to pay down their liabilities over the past four years. The Brocks are considering purchasing a second automobile. Currently, Pam must drive Josh to the train station (creating many inconveniences for her and the children) if she wants to use the car for various business and education activities. Housing needs are changing for the Brocks as their family increases in size. At present, they pay $750 in rent for a two-bedroom apartment. To purchase a home for a comparable monthly payment, the Brocks would have to relocate farther from Josh's place of employment. With a second car and public transportation as available options, Pam and Josh are starting to consider this home purchase. Questions Q1. What major factors could affect the Brocks' spending on transportation? Q2. What strategies and research should they use to save on transportation costs while fulfilling family transportation needs? Q3. Although the Brocks may have good reasons for continuing to rent, what factors might make it desirable for an individual or a family to buy a home? Q4. What actions might the Brocks take to enhance their home-buying and financing activities?