
The bq design team is thinking about installing a faster

For each of the following parts, perform 30 simulations. Assume that at 11 A.M. there is typically one car in line to place an order and one car in line to pay/pick up their order (so set your “Initial # objects” for your Buffers accordingly). For a process flow map of this process, see the left side of the process flow map for Example 10.

a. Build a SimQuick model of the drive-thru, as described. Report the overall mean throughput (i.e., the overall mean final inventory in Served Cars). Also report the overall mean cycle time for the whole process. This number is the mean amount of time an object spends between entering the Buffer called Outside Order Line and leaving the Work Station called Pay/Pickup. It can be obtained by adding the overall mean cycle time through the two Buffers, the mean working time at the two Work Stations (obtained from their input distributions), and the overall mean cycle time through the internal buffer at the Work Station called Car Order. Also report the overall mean service level of the customers arriving at the process.

b. The BQ design team is thinking about installing a faster process for making hamburgers. They believe this could reduce the time for Pay/Pickup to a mean of 1.5 minutes, again exponentially distributed. What effect would this have on the numbers reported in part a?

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Operation Management: The bq design team is thinking about installing a faster
Reference No:- TGS01102012

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