
The black prospective in the george zimmerman case

300 word post with the Black prospective in the George Zimmerman case and how the judical system could fix these injustices that the black community sees as very unfair to say the least. How do we fix these problems and why are Blacks so pissed off at these inequalities

Drug Money

Well a time to talk about what I want hmmm. How can we show balance in the judicial system and help the economy. I know this is a bit crazy but just listen to me. Why dont we legalize marijuana just like we did tobacco and alcohol. Think of Anheuser Busch family who have over 230 billion in assets now just think if the prohibition never happen they would be one of the world most notorious family's. If the government could find away to tax it just think of how our failing economy would bounce back. Think of buildings used as wear houses, workers in distribution, packaging, and new jobs in legal task forces. This is just in American alone think of all the money world wide that could be made.

Once we do that people with minor drug charges can be released out of prison which will help prison over population. Then the drug dealers on the street would have to get licsences that they have to update every two years that will hold them libel for there drugs. Which now will put money back into the government hands and will make the law makers happy to have a trillion dollar industry on there hands.

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Business Law and Ethics: The black prospective in the george zimmerman case
Reference No:- TGS0541940

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