Read the debate issue on page 262 and take a stand and justify your answer. What is the best way to conduct a formal ethics audit in a smaller company?
The first discussion post should be at least 250 words
Which Ethics Audit Process Works Better for Smaller Companies?
ABC Specialty Marketing, Inc. is considering a formal ethics audit. The company has 200 employees, including 50 salespeople that sell promotional printing products. Recent ethical issues have raised concerns within the company, causing the board of directors to think about implementing an audit. During the meeting, one of the board members who examined the auditing process represented in Table 9–5 indicated that for a small company, this approach looked too formal. He felt the Better Business Bureau Torch Award Criteria for ethical companies was a more practical approach to auditing ethical risks and conduct. Another member pointed out that the BBB criteria were more for judging than for understanding the risk areas and ethics program implementation concerns. This led to a discussion about how to implement an ethics audit in a small company with a fairly limited ethics program. The meeting ended without a clear decision on which approach to use.
1. The Better Business Bureau Torch Award Criteria is the best method for conducting a formal ethics audit in a smaller company.
2. The auditing process represented in Table 9–5 offers a better way to understand a small company’s ethical risks and conduct.