1. First, subjects are to attend to a to-be-remembered three-letter stimulus, then they are shown a number. They are to count backwards by threes from the number. At the end of the variable-length period of counting, the subjects were asked to report the original three-letter stimulus.
Paired-associate learning
Brown-Peterson task
Sternberg task
Mental rotation
2. The best description of Informavore is:
An instrumental contribution to the cognitive revolution
Fundamental unit of the structuralist account
Fundamental unit of S-R behaviorism
Beings that actively obtain and process information
3. Rips (1975) reported an experiment in which subjects read a story about an island inhabited by only eight species of animals: Sparrows, Robins, Eagles, Hawks, Ducks, Geese, Ostriches, and Bats. The evidence indicated:
Evidence for prototype effects
Support for PDP models
Support for the dual-coding hypothesis
Support for prepositional theories of representation
4. The data illustrating the various costs of different levels of selection for the experiment reported by Johnston & Heinz (1978) in support of their multimodal model of attention were derived from all but:
A selection task
A priming task
A dual-task procedure
A simple detection task (simple RT)