The bearing and distances of the traverse with stations 123

Question 1. The bearing and distances of the traverse with stations 1,2,3 and 4 together with the radiations to the corners A,B,C and D of the building are shown below. The coordinates of station 1 are (5000E, 5OOON).


Coordinates of traverse station 2, 3 and 4

Question 2. Given the lengths the braced quadrilateral below and the bearing from 728 to 901 is 167" 30' 08"


a) All internal angles

b) Bearings

  • 901 to 902
  • 902 to 903
  • 903 to 728

(c ) The coordinates of 901, 902 and 903.

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Mechanical Engineering: The bearing and distances of the traverse with stations 123
Reference No:- TGS01140926

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