
The bank reconciliation of sunshine

The following items are from the bank reconciliation of Sunshine Co. for the month ended February 29,2000. Where does each of these items appear in the bank reconciliation? Indicate your answer by putting the appropriate letter next to the number question:

A= an addition to the bank balance

B= a deduction from the bank balance

C= an addition to the book balance

D= a deduction from the book balance

1. Bank service charges for February

2. Outstanding checks

3. Customer's NSF check returned by the bank

4. Interest earned on this account for the month of February

5. Sunshine Co.'s bookkeeper recorded a check as $693 on the books instead of the correct amount of $963 which appeared on the bank statement.

6. Deposits in transit

7. The bank deposited $450 in Sunshine Co.'s acocunt. This amount actually belongs to Sunshade Inc.

8. The bank charaged Sunshine Co. $25 for check printing.

9. The bank collected a note receivable plus interest revenue

10. Customer's check returned by the bank because the check was improperly dated.

11. A check for $110 written by Sunshine Co. was recorded as $1,100 by the bank

12. An EFT payment was received from a customer

13. An EFT payment was made to a vendor

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Accounting Basics: The bank reconciliation of sunshine
Reference No:- TGS0702172

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