
The average human spends about 45 percent

By looking at technology, we can see that it is an essential in life. This is important because people take the advances of technology for granted. Our daily lives revolve around sources such as, the internet, cell phones, or social networks. The average human spends about 45 percent of their day using technology. With devices getting more accessible and portable, it makes it easier to take anywhere. This increases the amount of time a person is using a technology device. 
By spending hours on the computer or using a mobile device, it slowly kills a human's body and brain. When using a technology device, it creates stress. By trying to read small print, light from a computer, or something inappropriate posted of Facebook, all are contributing factors of stress related headaches or sicknesses. Of the age groups, teenagers are the most affected by technology. Teens are the biggest target in a stressful related sickness. Today teenagers tend to constantly use some sort of technology. "Between Myspace, twitter, cell phones, and the ubiquity of the internet, these kids have never known what it's like to be disconnected. They multitask all the time." As Johna till Johnson wrote in an article titled, "Young Workers Today are Different? Nonsense." This explains how technology is the most common source of distraction.
People today believe that they can do and be there best while multitasking. Fact is; a person can never achieve their highest standard by trying to accomplish two things at one time. For example, while a student is writing a paper, they stop to read a message or check their Facebook, their mind veers away from the topic it was on. So instead of writing an essay, the thoughts now become paragraphs. A person can only receive their greatest effort my doing one thing at a time.
It isn't technology itself that's killing us; it is our choices that are. We choose to multitask. We choose to put ourselves in a situation that will not allow us to achieve something at our highest standards. 

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Term Paper: The average human spends about 45 percent
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