
The available powersupply voltages are vcc 15 v andvee-15

Design a cascode amplifier using 2N2222A transistors. Both transistors should be biased at ICQ = 1mA and VCEQ = 10V. the loadresistance is RL = 100K ohms and thesource resistance is RS = 1k ohms.The input and he output must be ac coupled. The available powersupply voltages are VCC = 15 V andVEE=-15 V. Maximize |Avs| in a manner consistent with the otherspecifications. Use SPICE to find the midband gain and the upperhalf-power frequency for your design. Repeat the design forICQ = 10uA, and compare the midbandgain magnitude and upper half-power frequency with thoseICQ = ImA.

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Electrical Engineering: The available powersupply voltages are vcc 15 v andvee-15
Reference No:- TGS0623003

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