
The authors provide a discussion of and definitions for

Question 1:On pp. 273-276, the authors provide a discussion of, and definitions for Congressional leadership positions. Drawing upon this information, complete the following tasks:

For each of these leadership positions in the U.S. House of Representatives, identify the individual presently holding that position; then, include a link to a credible online article related to that specific Congressional leader. Be certain to identify the Title; Date Posted; &Online Source; and then provide the link


For each of these leadership positions in the U.S. Senate, identify the individual presently holding that position; then, include a link to a credible online article related to that specific Congressional leader. Be certain to identify the Title; Date Posted; &Online Source; and then provide the link


Question 2:On p. 270, the authors define and discuss pork barrel projects and earmarks. Drawing upon this discussion, complete the following tasks:

Conduct an online "search", and identify an example of a Congressional pork barrel project. Briefly summarize the article and provide the link. Be certain to identify the Title; Date Posted; &Online Source; and then provide the link (minimum 150 words)

Conduct an online "search", and identify an example of a Congressional earmark. Briefly summarize the article and provide the link. Be certain to identify the Title; Date Posted; &Online Source; and then
provide the link (minimum 150 words)

Instructor Evaluative Comments & Total Points earned:

This part of the paper provides you an opportunity to utilize online resources. (You will be demonstrating these two cognitive tasks:Identify; Explain.)

Question 3: On p. 383, the authors provide data regarding "Where the Money Comes from and Where it Goes". Drawing upon this information, complete the following tasks:

Select a SPENDING category that you believe should be increased, and explain your reasoning. (minimum 150 words)

Provide a direct quote, and link to a credible online article/resource that supports your reasoning. Be certain to identify the Title; Date Posted; &Online Source; and then provide the link

Select a SPENDING category that you believe should be decreased, and explain your reasoning. (minimum 150 words)

Provide a direct quote, and link to a credible online article/resource that supports your reasoning. Be certain to identify the Title; Date Posted; &Online Source; and then provide the link

Question 4: On pp. 414-417, the authors provide a discussion of "Threats Posed by Regional Conflicts". Drawing upon this information, complete the following tasks:

Select the regional conflict that you believe poses the greatest threat to the United States, and explain your reasoning. (minimum 200 words)

Provide a direct quote, and link to a credible online article/resource that supports your reasoning.

This part of the paper provides you an opportunity to become familiar with the political ideology of a prominent newspaper columnist. (You will be demonstrating these two cognitive tasks: assessment; application.)

Steve Chapman is a centrist columnist and editorial writer for the Chicago Tribune. His twice-a-week column on national and international affairs, distributed by Creators Syndicate, appears in some 60 papers across the country. Steve Chapman came to the Tribune in 1981 from the New Republic magazine, where he was an associate editor. Steve Chapman has contributed articles to several national magazines, including Slate, The American Spectator, National Review and The Weekly Standard. Born in Brady, Texas, in 1954, Steve Chapman grew up in Midland and Austin Texas. Steve Chapman attended Harvard University, where he was on the staff of the Harvard Crimson. He graduated with honors in 1976 and later did graduate work at the University of Chicago. Steve Chapman has three children and lives in suburban Chicago.

Articles by Steve Chapman:

Reason in Fighting the Islamic State


Transgender Accommodation


Race and Partisan Politics


Ferguson and Voting


Clinton & Trump re Foreign Policy


Question 5: Select three of the above articles, and explain how each article supports (or refutes) that Steve Chapman is a "centrist." [Here is the definition of Centrism: In politics, centrism is a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of a balance of a degree of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy; while opposing political changes which would result in a significant shift of society either strongly to the left or the right.]

Identify a selected article, and then explain to what extent the article is "centrist" (minimum 200 words)

Provide a direct quote from the article that supports your explanation.

Identify another selected article, and then explain to what extent the article is "centrist" (minimum 200 words)

Provide a direct quote from the article that supports your explanation.

Identify the third selected article, and then explain to what extent the article is "centrist" (minimum 200 words)

Provide a direct quote from the article that supports your explanation.

Finally, provide your own assessment of Steve Chapman. (For example, consider to what extent you find him interesting; thoughtful; credible; convincing; etc.) (Minimum 200 words)

This part of the paper provides you an opportunity to reflect upon and connect some of what you have learned in this class pertaining to the class lectures, and programs/films pertaining to Module Four: Institutions. (You will be demonstrating these three cognitive tasks: recall; summarize; and reflection)

Question 6:I have created two categories of class activities: key lecture points; and programs/films. Drawing upon your recall of what took place in class, complete the following tasks:

Category One: Class lecture: Key Points made in class for Module Four: Institutions
• Congress: Has no "zero sum" game
• Challenges regarding Presidential character
• Analysis of Presidential power
• Historical evolution of the Government workplace
• Criticisms and reforms of Government bureaucracy

Category Two: Programs: Films shown in classfor Module Four: Institutions
• CBS News: 60 Minutes: Prescription Drug Bill
• PBS Frontline: "Obama's Deal"
• PBS Frontline: "Waco"

Select one of the Class Lecture items, and discuss to what extent it supports the following statement: "Presently, the National Government is significantly dysfunctional, and here is some evidence to support this claim." (minimum 150 words)
Insert Response & include the word count at the end in ( ):

Select one of the Program/Film items, and discuss to what extent it supports the following statement: ""Presently, the National Government is significantly dysfunctional, and here is some evidence to support this claim." (minimum 150 words)

Question 7:This is an opportunity for you to reflect upon to what extent, if any, Module Four: Institutions has relevance to your own life: (past, present, or future) (minimum 150 words)

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Dissertation: The authors provide a discussion of and definitions for
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