
The authors of the paper statistical methods for assessing

The authors of the paper "Statistical Methods for Assessing Agreement Between Two Methods of Clinical Measurement" (International Journal of Nursing Studies [2010]: 931-936) compared two different instruments for measuring a person's ability to breathe out air. (This measurement is helpful in diagnosing various lung disorders.) The two instruments considered were a Wright peak flow meter and a mini-Wright peak flow meter. Seventeen people participated in the study, and for each person air flow was measured once using the Wright meter and once using the mini-Wright meter.

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a. Suppose that the Wright meter is considered to provide a better measure of air flow, but the mini-Wright meter is easier to transport and to use. If the two types of meters produce different readings but there is a strong relationship between the readings, it would be possible to use a reading from the mini-Wright meter to predict the reading that the larger Wright meter would have given. Use the given data to find an equation to predict Wright meter reading using a reading from the mini-Wright meter.

b. What would you predict for the Wright meter reading of a person whose mini-Wright meter reading was 500?

c. What would you predict for the Wright meter reading of a person whose mini-Wright meter reading was 300?

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Basic Statistics: The authors of the paper statistical methods for assessing
Reference No:- TGS02614610

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