
The authors argue that natural style is a basic building

Question 1 Different cultural groups
A. require counseling from a member of her of her or his own culture.
B. may require differing approaches to the interview
C. benefit from the best of traditional counseling theories.
D. illustrate that the concept of intentionality may be in at times.

Question 2
According to the authors, the "perfect empathetic response"
A. is useful goal, but extremely difficult to attain.
B. is often sought by counselors who seek "right" answers to solve client problems, even though "right answers" may not exist.
C. Should be a goal for the most effective interviewer.
D. demonstrates that you have achieved full intentionality.

Question 3
Research validation of the microskills framework reveals
A. very little transfer from the practice session to the real world.
B. consistent positive transfer
C. transfer of the learning if the student has mastered the skills.
D. skills must be practiced in the real world to ensure transfer of learning.

Question 4
Which is NOT an effective way to gain better understanding of those who are culturally different from you?
A. visiting Pow-wows and other cultural celebrations
B. informing your clients that you will need to learn about their culture from them during the interview
C. shadowing or going with a friend of a different culture through the day.
D. getting to know people different from you in a personal way

Question 5
Intentional interviewing is concerned with
A. finding the single best response for each client statement
B. the counselor knowing one theory exceptionally well
C. having many alternative responses available to any client statement
D. explaining to the client why you made that particular choice

Question 6
According to the authors, if your first helping lead seems to be ineffective with a culturally different client, you need to be ready to
A. explain what you are doing and try again.
B. say it again, but using different, clearer words.
C. try another helping lead.
D. try silence as perhaps this client needs time to think and respond.

Question 7
"Counselors will practice only within the boundaries of their competence, based on education, training,..." is an ethical code based on which topic?
A. informed consent
B. competence (boundaries)
C. power vs. social justice
D. social justice vs. competence (boundaries)

Question 8
Which of the following roles or relationships is completely banned for counselors?
A. sexual/romantic relationships.
B. professional role change.
C. nonprofessional relationships.
D. all of the above

Question 9
The Microskills Hierarchy
A. demonstrates clearly that different clients have different needs.
B. demonstrates that alternative settings for counseling require different skills.
C. describes the skills in order of importance.
D. provides a picture of the microskills as they move from attending to influencing to skill integration.

Question 10
When you are a trainee in a practice session and your supervisor gives you your first client, which of the following is an ethical imperative?
A. You should prepare for the session carefully and go over your plan with the supervisor.
B. You should review ethical standards and agency policy.
C. You should inform your client that you are in training and give the client the supervisor's name.
D. You should work with the policy of your agency on this issue and only inform the client if that is their policy.

Question 11
The "cornerstone of the counseling relationship" is
A. openness
B. warmth
C. skill
D. trust

Question 12
If you ask an open question, the intentional prediction is
A. It will puzzle clients as they need more direction
B. It will seem like an intrusion.
C. It won't work cross-culturally.
D. the client will talk more about the topic.

Question 13
"I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed by salespeople".
A. White privilege
B. male privilege
C. heterosexual privilege
D. middle-class privilege

Question 14
Which of the following is NOT true about research into microskills?
A. The skills have been shown to be teachable and show construct validity.
B. Practice with the skills to competence levels appears to be especially important in developing competence.
C. People can learn to use the skills but their impact on clients is minimal.
D. Different counseling theories have different patterns of microskill usage.

Question 15
Cultural intentionality includes
A. Clients do not exist in a vacuum.
B. Helpers must chose between a range of interviewing skills, while considering the client's cultural characteristics.
C. All of the above
D. Clients will benefit and respect the helper who acts with cultural intentionality.

Question 16
Which of the following is NOT a dimension of the wellness assessment?
A. spirituality
B. gender identity
C. social class identity
D. cultural identity

Question 17
The authors argue that natural style is a basic building block of intentional counseling. Which of the following is NOT part of their view of natural style?
A. It is best to identify one's natural style and then always hold to it.
B. We all have natural strengths in communication.
C. Too many people in interviewing training may forget the many strengths they bring to the course even before instruction begins.
D. Instruction, practice, and learning new skills and strategies can enhance natural style.

Question 18
Which definition of natural style is closest to that of the text?
A. The way we are
B. Your ability to intentionally adapt to changing life situations
C. Your natural communication style
D. How able you are to listen to others.

Question 19
Past research has found that minority clients tend to return for repeat interviews at what percentage rate?
A. 35%
B. 50%
C. 10%
D. 25%

Question 20
The RESPECTFUL model reminds us that
A. All interviewing involves multicultural and diversity dimensions.
B. Diversity includes areas often missed by definitions of multiculturalism such as experience with trauma, social class, family background, and location and language.
C. We will be spending a lifetime learning more about the many issues of diversity.
D. All of the above.

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Other Subject: The authors argue that natural style is a basic building
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