
The assignment using the nist special publication 800-30

This is a two part assignment that will be submitted as one final paper

Part 1

I would like you to complete a limited Risk Assessment for a fictional enterprise. This analysis, of course, will require you to make lots of assumptions and guesses which need to be noted and documented in your paper. To limit the scope of the paper, I want to limit your analysis to threats to the data and servers located in a centralized server room and threats to connectivity to any wide area network (WAN) clients.

You will not analyze any threats to individual workstations and desktops. What follows is a description of the server room and connectivity of those servers. This "made-up" Enterprise is a medical practice with an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that we will call "Medco" containing patient data. This EMR is needed on a 24 hour basis as this is a cardiology specialty and is used in clinic rooms AND importantly, it is used by emergency physicians in the local trauma center for treatment of patients suffering from life threatening heart issues.

This requires a WAN connection to be made available 24 hours a day. The Environment Servers

Server 1 is Microsoft Exchange Server
Server 2 is Domain Controller
Server 3 is a Citrix Server (delivering applications as Thin Clients to desktops and some of the WAN clients)
Server 4 is Web Server running IIS to present main application as web pages
Server 5 is a Server Running Microsoft SQL Server with patient data The Servers are connected to the LAN using routers and switches.

The Servers are connected to the Internet using a single Firewall via a single connection to a single Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Servers do connect to a WAN using this Internet connection using a VPN and the nodes on this WAN (clinics around the state) each have a single connection to an ISP in their local area.

Physically all the Servers are in a single unlocked room that has no fire suppression equipment other than the typical building sprinkler system and there are two sprinkler systems in the server room. The servers are connected to a trunk electrical line that is not part of the medical centers emergency power system and there is no line conditioning.

For temperature control, the server room relies on the existing building HVAC system with heat exchangers located on the roof of the building. There is one air conditioning vent and one room thermostat serving the server room.

The Assignment Using the NIST Special Publication 800-30, complete a Risk Assessment to identify potential threats for which a matching vulnerability exists in the above described environment. You can pretend that you are the Security officer in charge of this Assessment and also for your control recommendation you can make decisions from your Risk Matrix as if you were upper management. This part of the paper should be at least 3 pages and should be no more than 5 pages not including items such as interview forms or spreadsheets.

Part II

Unfortunately, before your recommendations from your Risk Assessment (Part I) were implemented a power supply on one of the servers failed and created a fire that destroyed the server with the database and all the patient data was lost.

After the disaster, the practice returned to paper patient records and management gave you the charge to rebuild the system with more safeguards and importantly a more complete plan for data backup and data restore.

For the second part of this paper I would like to choose a backup strategy (tape, disk array backup, cloud backup, mirrored servers and distributed database, etc) to make recovery from any future disaster within a short time possible. I want you to fully describe your solution to backup and recovery and detail some of the particulars of why you chose that solution. This will entail giving the pros and cons of the alternatives you considered and reasons for your choice of this particular solution. This part of the paper should be also at least 3 pages and no more than 5 pages not including any tables or figures.

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Computer Engineering: The assignment using the nist special publication 800-30
Reference No:- TGS01382316

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