
The assignment is to write a paper answering the question

Individual Research Paper and Presentation

The assignment is to write a paper answering the question, "What is evidence-based criminal justice?" As you begin your research, remember that "data drive" and "intelligence led" are similar terms to "evidence based." Start with an introduction, which should include a clear statement of the paper's content; this will be your coverage statement. Devote most of the paper to outlining the history and context of crime analysis within the field of criminal justice, including how crime analysis is linked to criminal justice operations and which agencies are involved in the U.S. intelligence community. End with a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your coverage statement and the major points/highlights of the paper. Prepare both a paper and a PowerPoint.

• Use Microsoft Word

• Follow APA style throughout the paper, for example:

o Double space, with 0 spacing above and below paragraphs
o Use Times New Roman, 12-point font
o Use 1-inch margins
o Left align the text
o Indent new paragraphs; do not include a blank line space between new paragraphs
o Provide in-text citations to indicate the words and/or ideas of a source
o Provide a References list at the end of the paper, which lists all cited sources

• Give the paper a meaningful title, which does not exceed 12 words

• Give the paper a meaningful running head, which is a concise version of the paper's title

• Start with a cover sheet, then repeat the paper's title at the top of the first page of text

• Write 3-5 full pages of text

o Extra white space (e.g., blank lines, wide margins) does not count
o Direct quotes do not count
o Redundant, irrelevant, and inappropriate text does not count

• Incorporate at least 3 relevant, credible resources (not counting our course textbook, which may be cited but does not count toward this 3-resource minimum requirement)

• Exhibit effective, college-level writing skills (e.g., proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar [including complete sentences])

• Maintain a professional, moderately formal scholarly tone/writing style

o Do not use personal words (e.g., "I," "we," "you")
o Do not use contractions (e.g., "can't," "won't," "isn't")
o Do not use informal, conversational/chatty language

Remember to include your full first and last name on the cover sheet. Submit the paper to the designated Engage dropbox.

The individual research paper will be graded using the scoring rubric at the end of this document.

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Dissertation: The assignment is to write a paper answering the question
Reference No:- TGS02377056

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