
The assignment is designed to mirror a real-life situation

Write a paper from given option :

Option 1 : jc sports

Established in 1987, JC Sports is a Leicester based retailer of branded sportwear and pride themselves for ‘good customer service, great value and quality products'. At the present, they have an online presence through their website www.jcsportsdirect.com/

Option 2 : boundary mill story

Boundary Mill Stores, founded in 1983, is a discount retailer of womenswear, menswear and homeware brands in the UK. The firm has five outlets across the UK and claims to offer a ‘huge choice and fantastic value'. Currently, Boundary Mill Stores has an online presence through their website.

The analysis of JC SPORTS / BOUNDARY MILL STORES online presence is based on their current website. You are therefore required to take snapshots of their web pages immediately as the website may change in the near future. (To take snapshots, press PRTSC, then paste into a word document).


Assessment Outline

The module assessment provides a platform for students to demonstrate their understanding and application of emarketing theory explored in the lectures, seminars and practical sessions. This will incorporate all the skills learned on the module and it is designed to reflect a real-life situation.

In the role of an Emarketing consultant employed by your chosen firm, you have been asked to analyse and critique their online presence in terms of customer web experience, online service quality, online customer engagement and social media networking.

This is an opportunity to look at how a well-established bricks and mortar firm can best take advantage of the Internet and put theory into practice.

Assessment: Max 2,000 words

Your critique should include a detailed analysis of the firm's online presence and emarketing activities focusing on:

o Web experience

o Online service quality

o Customer engagement

o Social Media Networking

The assignment is designed to mirror a real-life situation. The critique and analysis should be carried from a marketing perspective. You are required to apply theory into practice; make use of any models and frameworks examined in the module or through your own reading.

However, you should not rewrite theories, describe models or quote extensively. The analysis needs to be coherent, with clear, logical explanation and reasoned commentary. High marks will be awarded for analysis, application of theory, commentary, evidence of reading and understanding of emarketing theory.

The assignment does not seek for a predetermined set of answers, but rather expect students to critically evaluate the online presence of one of the two firms outlined above from a marketing perspective. There is scope for investigation and your report can focus on a range of elements to address the assignment components.

Assessment: Report Structure

The word count for the report is maximum 2,000 words excluding references and appendices. Please note that reports exceeding the word count may have their marks reduced.

Each report should be in 12-point Times Roman or Arial, 1.5 line spacing. Clearly expressed points in English, careful punctuation and appropriate use of paragraphs will be appreciated, and will help improve your work.

The assignment should be submitted in report format with content page, appropriate headings, referencing. Please state word count on cover page.

While you are free to format and structure your report accordingly, it is expected to include:

o Title Page;

o Content List;

o Introduction;

o Main Body:

Web experience

Online service quality

Customer engagement

Social Media Networking

o Summary/concluding remarks;

o References and Appendices.

The format of the report will be discussed further in class.

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Marketing Research: The assignment is designed to mirror a real-life situation
Reference No:- TGS02564759

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