
The assignment for this week consists of composing a

Self-Reflection Profile Essay

The assignment for this week consists of composing a profile of yourself as a reader, writer, and critical thinker. Gladwell presented some questions and ideas that challenge the traditional way of thinking about life. For this assignment, you will present a self-reflection profile essay about yourself as it relates to "The 10,000-Hour Rule." After reading the introduction and Chapter 2 of Outliers, and Chapter 1 in A Rulebook for Arguments, you will present the answers to the questions below in an essay format.

  • Present some general information about yourself.
  • Considering the readings from A Rulebook for Arguments, how do you argue for or against Gladwell's "The 10,000-Hour Rule" philosophy?
  • How has reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Outliers influenced your thoughts about what will be required to succeed professionally and academically?

Remember, this is an essay. You will need an introduction to a thesis, a body, and a conclusion that summarizes the body of the paper. The body of the paper will have the answers to the three questions in several paragraphs. You may or may not have 5 paragraphs, as this is an outdated standard of numbering the paragraphs in a paper. This paper may be written in the first person. Do not use you, as this is the second person and the reader.

Assignment requirements:

This assignment requires that you follow the MLA guides for structuring an essay. This is the only assignment which uses MLA in the course. Please review MLA format, as it has changed due to an update to the 8th Edition, at Purdue OWL. The link is below. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/02/

The essay should be between 750 and 1000 words. This does not include the Works Cited and MLA does not use a title page. Develop your argument to support the structure presented in A Rulebook for Arguments.



  • Chapter 1: The Matthew Effect (pages 15-34)
  • Chapter 2: The 10,000-Hour Rule (pages 35-68)

A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston

Introduction - xi-xiv

  • Chapter 1: Short Arguments: Some General Guidelines (pages 1-7)
  • Chapter 2: Generalizations (pages 9-17)


A Rulebook for Arguments: Weston, A. (2009) Rulebook for arguments. 4th Ed., Hackett Publishing Co. ISBN-13: 978-0872209541

Outliers: Gladwell, M (2008). Outliers: The story of success. Reprint, Back Bay Books. ISBN-13: 978-0316017930

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