
the assignment continues the research process by

The assignment continues the research process by further exploring and defining the problem statement through the development of research objectives. These objectives will allow you to gain further insight into the direction your investigation needs to take if it is to fully address the implications of a rise in the  minimum wage for your stake holder group.

1) Based upon your listing and justification of relevant information/topics, reorganise the information/topics into approximately three (3) common themes giving each a title;

2) Give  a brief 50-100 word summary of the information each theme represents and state why this information is important for your stake holder group;

3) For each theme, develop a series of atleast 3 clearly stated questions that,if answered, will help you to understand the area of knowledge they represent;

4) For each question, identify atleast 5 key words that will add your information search;

5) Using the keywords from the question 4 above, search the library and library database for information to answer the questions you developed in question 3 above. List underneath each question the relevant source reference in full apa format. You should aim to identify between 8 to 15 referances (including journal articles, textbook chapters, news paper articles and/ or industry sources).

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