
The assignment consists of writing a mini-paper that

Advanced Macroeconomics and Growth-Introduction to the Assignment

General Information

The assignment consists of writing a mini-paper that analyzes economic growth in one country empirically.

The students shall choose one country (from the list) to analyze and retrieve data on key variables.

The analysis should be based on growth models in Ch. 1, Romer, D. (2012) Advanced Macroeconomics, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill.

The analysis should focus on variables for example: growth in population, growth in income, capitals share of income.

The assignment should consist both:

  • Theoretical analysis of implications for economic growth
  • Empirical analysis of implications for economic growth

The analysis shall be both theoretical and empirical in nature including:

-Theoretical framework: the analysis must connect to the underlying theories with references to the course book and other relevant sources.

-Empirical framework: the analysis shall include:

An empirical part with numerical examples, figures and tables that  summarizing and illustrating key correlations.

Regression analysis is required for this assignment.

The potential role played by other key factors of growth (CH 4).

Data Sources:

-World bank: https://data.worldbank.org/

World development indicators

Cross country time series data

-Topics; Economy & Growth, Education, Science and Technology, Health etc.

Penn World Table (PWT): https://dx.doi.org/10.15141/S5159X


PWT version 8.0

Database with information on relative levels of income, output, inputs and productivity

167 countries between 1950 and 2011

-EUROSTAT: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database

European countries (EU27)

National and disaggregated regional level data (NUTS 2, NUTS 3)

Topics; National and Regional Accounts, Population, Education, Science and Technology etc.

Follow SBS (Structural Business Statistics)

Geographical metadata (shapefiles)

The assignment will be based on the following five criteria's (scale 1-4p):

  • Background and problem discussion
  • Frame of reference and literature
  • Analytical skills and argumentation
  • Language, clarity and structure
  • Empirical assessment, relevance and quality

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Macroeconomics: The assignment consists of writing a mini-paper that
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