
The assessment requires students to assume the roles of


Assessment Description

Students are to form groups of around 4-5 members if possible. For smaller classes 3-4 members.

The assessment requires students to assume the roles of business development consultants and undertake a project analysing a commercial organization of their choice. In doing this, students are to identify and apply relevant business theories and concepts from GB500.

The chosen organization must be real and operate in a business environment. For example, information about listed companies is much easier to obtain. Alternatively, students might select the organization that they work for currently. Whichever organisation is chosen, the key criteria are that it is real and that sufficient information regarding the organization is accessible.

Using relevant theories from the prescribed text and other academic/authoritative sources, produce a critical analysis of your chosen organization that focuses on:

- The external perspective. For example, the degree to which the organizations external environments are dynamic and complex. What factors will affect the organization in the near and distant future and to what effect? What concepts will you be using in order to identify these and which authoritative sources will you use to obtain your data?

- The internal perspective. For example, what are the organization's resources and capabilities? Is a resource-view suitable? What concepts will you be using in order to identify these and which authoritative sources will you use to obtain your data?

- The innovation perspective. For example, what are the organization's orientations towards innovation and entrepreneurship? What concepts will you be using in order to identify these and which authoritative sources will you use to obtain your data?

Please note that this is a critical review aimed at developing your ability to obtain valid data regarding your chosen organization and to identify and apply relevant business theories to inform both the collection and analysis of that data in order to arrive at evaluative conclusions.

Given your conclusions, you should then make recommendations which are suitable (that is, they fit the external and innovation perspectives) and feasible (that is, there are tangible and intangible resources necessary and sufficient within the internal perspective).

At master's level of study, the report is expected to be supported by authoritative sources. Useful information include databases such as Business Source Corporate Plus, then please consult with your lecturer and/or the ASC Academic Skills Advisor.

As well as consulting the prescribed textbook and readings, students are expected to make use of the KBS Library portal databases to obtain data and information from authoritative sources.

Your Group Report should follow professional report structure:

Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Table of Figures Introduction:

Organisation's background
(Key Sections)

The external perspective The internal perspective The innovation perspective

Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices
Reference List

NB: Title page, Table of Contents, Table of Figures, Executive Summary, Reference List & Appendices does not count towards word limit of

your report

You must use a minimum of 10 references. These must comprise:

- At least 6 academic articles

- Up to 2 text books (including the prescribed text)

- Up to 2 other authoritative sources of your choice. E.g. quality newspaper or professional journal, government or NGO website. Please avoid the use of corporate websites as these tend to be promotional and not authoritative.

-Wikipedia and other ‘popular' or non-academic sources are not to be used.

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: The assessment requires students to assume the roles of
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