
The assessment is to compare the solutions cost need a work

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The assessment is to compare the solution's cost.

Need a work breakdown structure (sample as attached, can be excel etc) and estimating techniques (samples attached) as part of the assessment.

Keeping medical health records safe

Medical centers, clinic or even a small dental clinic are responsible for the security and privacy of patient's electronic health records. As patient's electronic health record is a sensitive issue, a reliable and secured way to store it is essential in the medical industry these days. Protecting medical health records from theft, natural disasters, fire etc requires a sophisticated and careful planning from all relavant parties.

The best options available would be

1) Dedicated server

2) Establish security protocols/team

3) Cloud computing

1) Dedicated server -

Purchasing a dedicated server provides more power than shared facilities such as cloud computing or installing software. A dedicated server provides more control and facilities to the users. Below is the benefit that comes with the installation of a dedicated server.

Flexibility-By using shared hosting or cloud computing, we are often stuck with the available software provided. A dedicated server will provide us with the flexibility to customize the structure, layouts and individual access. These flexibility allows the server to be taylor made to the environment around it.

Better performance- With a dedicated server, a proper utilization will outperform all other form of platforms. A dedicated server load faster, free of lag spikes or problem of software compatibility.

Security- A dedicated server provide you with the ease of security concern. Only the rightful owner will have the access or the power to customize, copy, delete etc the records.

However the option of installing a dedicated server also has its disadvantages.

Not for beginners-There will be a big learning curve on how to handle a dedicated server. Moreover not all medical staff has the intimate knowledge in Information Technology. Hence the owner will have to divert time and resources for training.

Cost of technology-A dedicated server comes with a huge cost to purchase it. Each server cost an average of $2,600 and on-premises configuration would be $1,476.31 a month.

2) Establish a security protocols/team

Secondly, we can establish a security protocol/team which includes software and key personnel. Security protocol and a security team includes software for security purpose or staff whom are tasked with the data. This unique department or team will provide.

Data protection-With the right software, we are able to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. The right software would protect the date by ensuring only staff with authorised access can have access to sensitive data.

Cyber attack-Most cyber attacks from internet is preventable. Regardless or virus or hackers or Trojan horse, the right software will prevent unauthorized access from outside hence reducing the cyber hard on the data.

Centrally controlled-With a centralized control, we are able to monitor or do customization to the data internally without the use of internet. By appointing a network administrator, the particular person can monitor access to data by multiple parties hence pointing out the perpetrator who committed the crime.

Centralized updates-Anti-virus software should be timely updated as old or outdated version may not offer the same security against external attacks. As every user of the network may not follow the rules, a network security system which is centralized offers this advantage of timely updates without even the knowledge of the individuals.

However the disadvantages would be

Costly set up-The set up of a network security system can be a bit expensive. Software, installation etc is costly especially for sophisticated networks. Not the cost of a single computer, but a network of computers storing massive data.

Time consuming-The software installed on some networks is difficult to work with. It needs authentication using two passwords to ensure double security which has to be entered every time you edit a document. It also requires the passwords to be unique with numbers, special characters and alphabets. The user may have to type a number of sample passwords before one is finalized which takes a lot of time.

Requires skilled staff-To manage large networks is not an easy task. It requires highly skilled technicians who can handle any security issue that arises. A network administrator needs to be employed to ensure smooth working of the network. He must be trained adequately to meet the requirement.

Careless admin-When the best software is installed and everything required is done, it is natural for the admin to be careless at times. It is his job to check the logs regularly to keep a check on the malicious users. But sometimes, he just trusts the system and that is when the attack happens. So, it is very important that the admin remains vigilant always.

3) Cloud computing -

The concept of cloud computing is basically about using the network to store, manage, access and process data's and program through the internet instead of local server or personal computers storage. Simply, it is a collection of data, programs and resources in the internet. The data, resources and programs are stored by the bigger organisation providing cloud computing facility and are given to the user according to their needs. Like every other thing there are some pros and cons of cloud computing. Some of the advantages of cloud computing are based on cost efficiency on infrastructure and management, easy access and pay per use facility, more data reliability, unlimited storage, device independence , easy backup and recovery ,improved performance, easy group collaboration ,etc. there are also some disadvantages of cloud computing along side the advantages . Some of the main disadvantages can be stated as security issues, limited control over the infrastructure, requires a good internet with good bandwidth, limited flexibility, ongoing costs, technical issues etc .

While using the cloud computing the company/users don't have to worry much about establishing a well infrastructure and management as it is already done. It gives an easy access to the required data and the users don't have to pay for the whole package and can pay as accordance to their usage where as they also get the service of payments according to use . It provides unlimited data storage which also helps in more data reliability and easier backup and recovery options. It improves the performance as the materials available on cloud are frequently updated one and the user should not bother to update it per update. It also helps the corporations economically that way. It also helps to align the users in a group as it is network based.

Where as it also have some drawbacks in the point of security, limited flexibility abd ongoing costs. If the cloud gets some technical problems or the data in the cloud as it is in form of network gets attacked. It is easier to get stolen as it is on internet rather than some computers hard disk so it becomes more dangerous. It also have less flexibility so as we can only use the features we actually activated and we do have to keep on paying the storage and other ongoing costs(although lower than other options) even when we are not using it which shouldn't be paid on personal use. So it's an extra expenditure. Also it requires a good internet with a good bandwidth to get access to the data which can be hard to find in some cases.


Cloud computing would be the ideal option to store and provide security to patient's medical record. As most cloud computing organisations are established and trustworthy brand names such as GOOGLE Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, DropBox just to name a few provide us with the trust and reliability to protect these records,

Furthermore, cloud computing requires less physical installation compared to the other options , less dedicated man power to operate it hence reducing the stress on the resources of the Human Resource department.

Cost on cloud computing should be at a minimum as only monthly subscription fees plus a internet service provider fees is involved. Cloud computing also allows us to operate 24 hours a day even without the assistance of a expert or skilled staff as the features and functions are as simple as using an e-mail application.

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Dissertation: The assessment is to compare the solutions cost need a work
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