The article "The Effect of Enzyme Inducing Agents on the Survival Times of Rats Exposed to Lethal Levels of Nitrogen Dioxide" (Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1978: 169-174) reports the following data on survival times for rats exposed to nitrogen dioxide (70 ppm) via different injection regimens. There were J=14 rats in each group
Test the null hypothesis that true average survival time does not depend on an injection regimen against the alternative that there is some dependence on an injection regimen using a = .01.
b. Suppose that 100(1 - a)% CIs for k different parametric functions are computed from the same ANOVA data set. Then it is easily verified that the simultaneous confidence level is at least 100(1 - ka)%. Compute CIs with a simultaneous confidence level of at least 98% for