
The article that the learner selected that addresses a

Response Guidelines

Respond peers, analyzing the case that they presented and the one that you reviewed for this assignment. What were the similarities and differences? Provide a final analysis of some of the challenges that seem to be present when applying a multidisciplinary approach.


The article that the learner selected that addresses a real-world the problem is residential care placement of young children in rural areas. The concern is that these children should be in foster homes instead they are not receiving adequate treatments and have been found to learn different behaviors from other children. 80 percent of children who are in state custody are put in residential facilities are often found to have both mental and behavioral health problems (Rishel, Morris, Colyer & Gurley-Calvez, 2014).

These children who are removed from their homes are often place in facilities outside of their state, hand have limited stability academically. This article strives to identify efficient components that assist in the residential placement of young children and discover ways to support the needs of children mentally and behaviorally. The residential placement of children should be address through the multidiscipline approach and include a collaboration of professionals.


As a human service professional in order to address the issue of residential care placement amongst young children, I must first be aware of the five competencies of the multidisciplinary approach: gathering information, synthesizing ideas, collaborating, conceptualizing a course of action and communicating. Gathered information would be obtain through perspectives in a conference from professional who work closely with the placement procedure to get their views on the effectiveness of residential placement and determine if it is cost effective.

Some of these professionals who would be included in the dialogue would be involve Child Protective Services, caseworkers, residential counselors, judge, lawyers and psychiatrist who represent the children in various settings and environments such as the court room, residential facility or office buildings. These professionals questioned about their role and the part they play in their placement.

During this collaboration foster care and referral policies, placement plans, monitoring protocols and rehabilitation would be analyzed to determine if children who need proper mental and behavioral health problems are getting fair and appropriate treatment. The recommend course of action would be to lower the amount of young children being place in residential placement. Focusing on meeting the children's needs during the early years of their life and including the family as a whole will prevent behavioral and mental problems from happen so frequently and allow these children to remain home with their families.

According to Rishel, Morris, Colyer & Gurley-Calvez,( 2014) the United States spend about $247 Billion per year on mental and behavioral disorders. Another way to prevent placement is to provide additional resources so children especially those I rural state are not placed in areas outside of their community. The learner believes this course of action should be communicated through the legislatives but implemented through human services professionals in the communities who work closely with the children such as therapist, case workers, judges, lawyers and placement specialist. The discussion of these professionals should ways to deliver services to families who have children that may have disabilities or issues who need additional support to help the family obtain stability, wholeness and good mental and behavioral health.


The problem of residential placement has been a concern for the children who have not been given effective treatment to help cope with mental and behavioral issues. Utilizing the multidisciplinary approach allows human service professionals of different disciplines to work together to come up with solutions to improve services to the families and children being placed in residential services. In this way everyone would be involved, these ideas would have a great impact on the polices eliminate cost on residential treatment for young children and provide more resources such as early intervention and head start that can reduce mental, emotional or behavioral concerns. Gathering information through meetings and using this information to create plan is vital to the human service professionals and allows helpers to provide the best services to their clients.


Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two of your peers, addressing the following:

What additional data points might you recommend that your peer consider and why?

What are some of the challenges your peer might face when seeking data from the sources they have identified?

How might they address these challenges?

Daynette Deloatch

Daynette DeLoatch Unit 4 D2 Gathering information


This week discussion is based around gathering information from a case to support the helping process for the client.


This case is about a 16-year-old female teenager, who was abandon four years prior by her mother. Her mother told her she would come back and pick her up, but that never happened. Therefore, her grandmother had to raise her. This teenage female endured a lot of pain after her mother left. She was picked on in school, her peer's called her mother names, which this created her to become unruly, then she dropped out of school. She didn't know how to channel her anger, so she started making illogical decisions.

She fell in love with a guy name Victor, in addition to that Victor was in a gang, and he got her pregnant. Since, her decision making skills were that strong she believed the gang would be the family and protection that she desired. Victor and her lived together, but he was still involved with gang activities. Until one night his gang friends decided to do a drive in the wrong neighborhood and that resulted to killing of Victor.


This teenage female is going through a four-year cycle of being deserted, this cycle must be broken. She's trying to better her disadvantages for her and her son. She's in a great group home, back in school, her son is in a special school due to his special needs, and positive energy is surrounding her. She's taking the right steps to create better advantages that will hopefully break this four-year bad cycle.As stated, people do not experience problems and automatically go directly to the appropriate human service agency. Individuals can become involved with the human service delivery system in several ways, including self-referral and referral by other professionals (Woodside, 2015).

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