Newman, Earl E. "Yellow Signal Timing - Lessons Learned from a Red Light Camera Program." Conference Paper ID AB10H2601, Presented at the 2010 ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Vancouver, Canada, August 8th-10th, 2010. ( second attachment )
Read the above referenced paper and answer the questions below. The paper is on the shared drive (handouts directory). Write your answers directly into this handout and turn it in on the due date listed above. If you look up any information online and use it in your response, be sure to include a link to the document's location.
1. Figure 1 in the document shows the MUTCD defined boundary for a red light violation, which begins at the stop bar in each direction. In Arizona, the extension of the curb line is used for this purpose (example shown in Figure 1). Presuming the distance between the stopbar and the extension of curb line is 25' and the speed limit is 25mph in the example shown in Figure 1, mathematically show how this difference would impact the duration of the ‘Yellow' and ‘All Red' intervals.
Figure 1: Curb Line Extension

2. The article states that a "...complete conversion to LED traffic signal lamps..." was one of their Red Light Running countermeasures. Why would this help in reducing red light running? (Hint: Google ‘LED traffic signal') Name at least one other benefit of LED traffic signal lamps.
3. Looking at Table 2, rear end crashes increased after the installation of red light cameras not just at intersections where cameras were installed, but at all locations. What might be the cause of this system-wide increase?
4. In this paper, the City of Springfield and the Missouri DOT used a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish common practices for timing clearance intervals. What other items in a transportation system might be improved if agencies engaged in more coordination across jurisdictional boundaries? Name 2.
5. In this paper, the agencies involved used a perception-reaction time of 1.5s for timing clearance intervals, while the recommended value for practice is 1.0 seconds. What was the justification given for this choice?