
The article should follow similar headings to your abstract

A 200 word structured abstract should also be presented under five headings:
•Issue addressed/Background (why you conducted the literature review);
•Methods (what you did i.e. reviewed literature through which databases and using which keywords);
•Results (a summary of what you found);
•Conclusions (what the implications for health promotion practice are);
•So what? (The relevance of your findings to health promotion)

The article should follow similar headings to your abstract (the first four only) though you may have additional subheadings specific to your topic. It is not expected that you report statistical data in this article. You can however provide a critical analysis of results of evaluation described elsewhere. Think of an interesting title for your article. It is expected that your article will have up to a maximum of 40 peer-reviewed articles (or published reports from reputable organisations and health promotion authorities). Use as many references as are necessary to justify the statements that you make. The word limit of 3000 must be strictly adhered to (the abstract word count is not included in this).

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Science: The article should follow similar headings to your abstract
Reference No:- TGS01247818

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